
  • UNAMID TODAY 05 November 2016, the role of school teachers in Darfur

    The program features the role of school teachers in Darfur.  A teacher in Darfur, is an influential member of the community. He makes comments on the society in order to improve education achievements. He also contributes to the development and dissemination of a culture of peace among students and community members. A teacher also makes a lot of efforts to deliver knowledge to students in remote villages where there are no basic services.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 05 November 2016: debate on girl’s education in Darfur.

    This program features the girl’s education debate organized by the AU/UN between civil societies and the University of EL-Geneina, and women Union in West Darfur. The aim of the debate is to highlight the challenges facing girl’s education in Darfur. 

  • UNAMID TODAY 04 November 2016, the engagement of the Young People in the development of Darfur.

    In this episode you will listen to a UNAMID providing a free treatment camp to the IDPs in Krendq; a camp for displaced people in El-Geneina, West Darfur.  Also an interview with the head of the Almsheeh Cultural Troupe of South Darfur.

    In addition, the program also features a discussion by Darfur youth, youth leaders  engaging in dialogue about national and international changes and visions in terms of education, technologies and media and how that can impact their life and future. They were also encourage the youth of Darfur to embrace the challenges of the resent crisis in Darfur and look forward to a peaceful and productive life.

  • Voice of Children, 04 November 2016: Children’s contribution to clean environment.

    This program features the contributions of children of to the clean surrounding environment where they live. And a discussion about girl’s education in Darfur, problems, challenges and solutions. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,03 November 2016: Gender equality in Darfur.

    This program features sporadic issues of Darfur, including dialogues about the culture of gender equality and how people of Darfur look to the girl, and give girls less opportunities than boys, especially in the field of education or training, in this regard the program also features how UNAMID play role in supporting girls' education in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, November 2nd, 2016: conflict in Darfur affected the forestry and the environment

    This program features the second part of the interview with Muhammad Ali Mkhaoai, a Drama Writer and Director and also Cast and poetry, on his visit to EL-Fasher, capital of North Darfur state, to do the record and produce songs by AL Mansouri singer form Darfur. The program also features on how the conflict in Darfur affected the forestry and the environment.

  • UNAMID TODAY 01 November 2016, UNAMID reintegration process to more than 1,500 former combatants.

    The program features a tour around UNAMID’s reintegration activities to process more than 1,500 former combatants of the Liberation and Justice Movement. The program also follows a report on the important roles of the women and their presence in the community. Besides the African song and other programs.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, November 1st, 2016: Interview with Muhammad Ali Mkhaoai

    This program features an interview with Muhammad Ali Mkhaoai, a Drama Writer and Director and also Cast and poetry, on his visit to EL-Fasher, capital of North Darfur state, to do the record and produce songs by AL Mansouri singer form Darfur. And also interview with Ayate Abdul-Aziz, Social Activist and volunteer in the field of women development in Darfur states, through activities carried out in the field of community awareness. There is also a new episode of the drama series Rakuba Aba Saleh.

  • Voice of Children, 30 October 2016: Children’s contribution to clean environment

    In today’s programme, you will hear about the contributions of children of to the clean surrounding environment where they live.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 29 October 2016: Children’s truancy

    In today’s programme, you will hear about children’s truancy behavior amongst children in Darfur and how to address this problem.
