
  • UNAMID TODAY, 14 October 2016: Young Leaders Initiative

    In today’s programme you will hear about the Young Leaders Initiative, or Mandela Fellowship, an initiative of the US government-backed training for African youth on life skills and leadership that contributes to their areas of development. Mashair Abdullah Adam is one of the young women who participated in the initiative. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 14 October 2016: Child marriage

    In today’s programme you will hear about the adverse effects of early marriage of women of Shangil Tobaya town, North Darfur. Child marriage is still quite common in Darfur, many of the cases are involved forced marriage. Across Darfur there are tens of girls and young women are being forced into early marriage. More than half of all girls are married off before they turn 18 years old. They are expected to have as many children as their husbands want, regardless of their own wishes or the threat that early pregnancy poses to their health and life.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 13 October 2016: UNAMID helps build computer lab in El Geneina

    In today’s programme you will hear about UNAMID’s backed project to help university of El Geneina build a computer lab that enables the university students to research and do their work related to their studies. Also in this programme, you will hear about the visit of high school students to the Mission’s headquarters in West Darfur to be familiar the Mission’s priorities. 

  • Voice of Children, 12 October 2016: Child Education

    Today’s programme features the importance child education in Darfur. There are children in various communities in need whose parents or guardians lack the economic resources to sustain food and education. Many of these children are of school age and need the resources to obtain educational materials, uniforms, food and specialized guidance. Education is the road for children to reach their full potential in life and many children around Darfur do not get a quality education.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 11 October 2016: UNAMID supports demobilization of ex-combatants in Darfur

    In this programme you will hear about UNAMID support in process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of the ex-combatants in Darfur, in coordination with the UNDP, UNICEF and the Government of Sudan.  

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 11 October 2016: Gender inequality in Darfur

    The programme features a discrimination against girls in Darfuri community and how it has negatively affected the girls’ self-esteem.  UNAMID’s Gender Unit has been working closely with local population to change their perception of gender inequality. 

  • UNAMID TODAY, 10 October 2016: An interview with Head of Women Centre for Peace

    Today’s programme features an interview with Fatima Adam Mohammed, Head of Women Centre for Peace, who talks about the organization’s activities in collaboration with UNAMID Civil Affairs to build peace in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 10 October 2016: Students learn about UNAMID mandate

    In today’s programme you will hear about the visit of 200 high school students in Elgeneina, West Darfur, to UNAMID headquarters there. The visit was initiated by the Education Department to make students’ familiar bout the Mission’s mandate and the UN system.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 9 October 2016: UNAMID helps returnees to their villages

    In today’s programme you will hear about UNAMID backed project to help build offices of Sudanese police in some villages to secure those who have voluntarily returned to their villages.  

  • Voice of Children, 9 October 2016: Children voice against conformity

    In today’s programme you will hear a debate about the use of school uniforms at schools. A question raised in this debate if the use of the uniforms will conform the society. Young people in Sudan raise their voices against conformity in the society. 
