Press releases
16 Mar 2009 - El Fasher, 10 November 2008 Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) Public Service Announcements were broadcast by El Fasher Radio yesterday morning to inform the population that the UNAMID Force would conduct live-fire exercises in the Dirwat Fashar area, east of El Fasher (North Darfur), from Monday 10 to Friday 14 November 2008. These announcements warned citizens to stay away from the mentioned area to preserve their own lives and the safety of their properties.
01 Dec 2008 - 31 December 2007 -- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted the transfer of authority from the African Union to the AU-UN Hybrid Mission in Darfur in a statement released today and delivered at a ceremony in El Fasher. “The transfer opened a new and profoundly challenging chapter in the history of United Nations peacekeeping," he said. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL
01 Dec 2008 - 31 December 2007 -- Mr. Adada pays his personal tribute to the men and women of AMIS whose dedication, bravery and sacrifice over the last four and a half years has laid the foundation for this new enlarged joint UN and AU Mission. Remarks of the Joint Special Representative Rudolphe Adada at the AMIS UNAMID Transfer of Authority Ceremony El Fasher 31 December 2007.
01 Dec 2008 - 10 April 2008 Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson
01 Dec 2008 -PRESS STATEMENTUNAMID Vehicle and Passenger Bus Collide in South Darfur Civilian Fatalities Reported Nyala, S. Darfur, 25 March 2008 - A UNAMID armoured vehicle and a passenger bus collided near Nyala at 0930 hours, today. Initial reports suggest that one passenger and four pedestrians were killed, while another seventeen people were injured and taken to Nyala hospital for treatment.
14 Mar 08 Statment attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the Dakar Agreement01 Dec 2008 -Statment attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the Dakar Agreement
01 Dec 2008 - UNAMID Press Release No/01/2008 January 7, 2008 Press Statement by AU-UN Joint Special Representative for Darfur on the Sudan-Chad border situation
01 Dec 2008 - PRESS BRIEFING TRANSCRIPT - NEAR VERBATIM13 March 2008 Ali Hamati, Press Officer:
01 Dec 2008 - Transcript: Interview with JSR Rodolphe ADADA by Maha FAYEK, UN Radio 31 December 2007
01 Dec 2008 - Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen